Horse blog and guide
Mare and foal well-being
Giving birth to a foal is an entirely natural process for mares which becomes possible from the time that they reach sexual maturity. Nevertheless, it is recommended to be especially sensitive to the mare and her health during this time. Most mares intended for breeding are covered for the first time at the age of five or six years.
Pregnancy lasts approx. eleven months. During this time, the mare should be supervised by a vet. This not only means that any problems with the foal's health in her mother's body can be identified, such as the wrong position of the amnion, but also that the mare's special needs during pregnancy can be met. For example, many heavily pregnant mares have a higher magnesium requirement before the birth. A deficiency can cause tension, nervousness and circulation problems, which in turn can have a negative effect on the foal as well. Mares also have a higher iodine requirement. The same is true of copper and iron, the latter being particularly important for heavily pregnant mares and lactating mares. Iron and magnesium are only two of the ingredients of the Equi-Strath feed supplement. In addition, zinc and chromium ensure a healthy metabolism, selenium and manganese increase immune defences and the vitamins of the B group contained in the product prevent stress and nervousness.
An intact immune system is extremely important for all pregnant mares. The Equi-Strath feed supplement ensures an optimal supply of vital nutrients both before and during pregnancy and during lactation. The unique mixture based on high-quality Strath herbal yeast contains more than 60 vital nutrients.
Support for lactating mares
Mares who are lactating, meaning producing milk, should not suffer energy deficits during the first months. In addition, her feed should contain the vitamins and minerals recommended by the vet. This is also where the Equi-Strath feed supplement products can offer valuable support.
It is essential for a mare to be able to move around outside on the pasture with her foal. When transitioning to pasture feeding, structured feed such as hay or straw should also be provided.
Healthy from the start
And of course every horse owner will care deeply about the health of their foal. Under normal circumstances, nursing foals are standing up and drinking from their mother within around 15 minutes to two hours after the birth. It is especially important for newborn foals to receive colostrum (beestings). If this is not possible, the foal's chances of survival are significantly reduced.
During the first weeks of its life, the foal will exclusively drink its mother's milk. From the second month of its life, it should start trying out hay. From this point onwards, special feed mixtures for foals should be used in order to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals.
At the age of around six months, foals are normally weaned off. Horses living in the wild do so naturally, at an age of around seven to nine months. That's why horse owners also do not need to force a fixed date, but should instead make weaning off dependent on the development of the foal and on progress with other feed.
Weaning off
Once the foal no longer has access to mother's milk, it can suffer deficiencies during the weaning off phase. This is because the protein contained in mother's milk may be missing. A lack of amino acids or B vitamins can also result and lead to developmental disorders. The Equi-Strath boosts supply special B vitamins which are also suitable for foals during the weaning off period. Treatment lasting eight weeks is considered a valuable addition to normal foal-appropriate feeding.
Foals and grazing
Foals should be able to spend a little more time on the pasture after weaning off and before winter starts. This may not be possible to a sufficient extent for foals born late. Pasture quality and grazing duration will determine how much additional feeding is required. Pasture very reach in grasses can mean that the supply of calcium, copper and selenium falls behind. But calcium in particular is very important for building healthy bones. Equi-Strath contains both calcium and selenium, which support the immune system, and thus ensures that the foal remains healthy after weaning off. It should be stressed that these products are all based on natural ingredients which means that they are very well tolerated. It is also possible to administer Equi-Strath over a longer period of time. The product can be administered to the foal shortly after birth. We urgently recommend a sufficient supply of phosphorus, manganese, copper and calcium in order not to impair skeletal development.
But plenty of exercise and fresh air are at least equally important. On cold days where pastures are not available, large runs can be used to let foals play together and thus encourage exercise.
Alexandra Koch