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Anima-Strath products

Anima-Strath and Equi-Strath are natural feed supplements based on the high-quality Strath herbal yeast. They enrich the feed for your pet with 61 valuable vital nutrients.

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What are the ingredients of Anima-Strath and Equi-Strath? How is it produced? Find out here what is behind the power of herbal yeast.

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Bio-Strath AG
Mühlebachstrasse 38
8008 Zurich

Anima-Strath makes an impact

Tomcat Medusa has regained his appetite.

Esther Kunz is more than satisfied with Anima-Strath: She can hardly recognise her 18-year-old tomcat Medusa since she started adding the supplement to his feed - in a positive sense. Find out more in the brief profile.


May 2016

Name and age of the animal

Medusa, 18 years old

Species and breed

European domestic cat - tabby

Owner's name and place of residence

Esther Kunz from Hinwil, Switzerland

Initial situation/problem

Medusa was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and treated with tablets 2x. After a short-lived improvement, his appetite and feeding behaviour deteriorated again. He was tired, weak and was only hiding, which wasn't like him at all. When he stopped eating altogether, the vet identified a parasite which had to be treated with a course of very strong antibiotics lasting 10 days.

Dosage, time used, other treatments

The side-effects of the medications were so strong that he even suffered from anorexia. I then started giving him half a teaspoon of AnimaStrath liquid using a syringe. From this day onwards, he started eveloping a interest in liquid snacks again and I was slowly able to start nursing him back to life with fresh meat. I mix ½ tsp. of Anima Strath liquid with liver paste and give this to him to lick up.

Result (success/change)

Gradually, 7 days or so after the treatment with the medication finished, and after using Strath regularly, Medusa is starting to enjoy food again. He comes back home more often, lies in the sun, purrs and is putting on a little weight. He is weaker, but appears stronger and a lot livelier which had not really been the case for a month. A true joy at his age!


I would use Strath from earlier, might also try out the granules or tablets. In any case, I'm definitely continuing the Anima Strath boost treatment.

Medusa is enjoying his feed again now that Strath is being added.