Anima-Strath makes an impact
Long-haired dachshund is in good health after suffering chondrodystrophy.
Chondrodystrophy is a spinal disease of dachshunds which can massively restrict the dogs' movements. Sometimes the right nutrition can work miracles. Find out more in the brief profile.
- Date
- Name and age of the animal
Long-hair dachshund
- Species and breed
not known, 4 1/2 years
- Owner's name and place of residence
not known
- Initial situation/problem
For more than 2 months, the dog suffered from chondrodystrophy in spite of treatment (spinal disc). Legs and body were weakened and the animal kept lying down exhausted.- Dosage, time used, other treatments
one ½ teaspoon of Anima-Strath 3 x a day for 4 months.
- Result (success/change)
Improvements were seen after only 3 weeks – the dachshund was able to walk around again. Now, the dachshund could jump again without problems.
- Conclusion
Anima-Strath is the ideal boost and tonic for all animals.